♥ You're long gone, baby.

I won't cry for you anymore, Baby.
Cos I know you'll never return.
♥ Fly Away.

Friday, May 30, 2008 @ 7:40 PM
Everything's Not Going The Way I Predicted Them To Be

Okays , today's update will not be a very happy one too . I guess my blog's gonna tear and flood if i go on like this . And as for today's update , i don't know how to start and what to update . I've been thinking about it for a very long time . People may say , it's perfectly fine to pursue my dreams & desires . But , it's also wrong in a sense . But , i really find it very hard to keep my feelings anymore . Sighs , i don't know what to say anymore .

I just wanna you to love me like you love her . Can i have you as my valentine FOREVER ?

♥ You're who I really miss.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008 @ 11:33 AM
Sometimes , Miracles do happens .

Sometimes , it's amazing as to how people feels about different kind of person . People do have a mind of their own and people couldn't control how they wanna feel about someone . Here i was , sitting on my school's arm chair , looking at my school's slow comp and i was think about what i've read in Royce's blog . And i can't believed it , i actually teared for something that's none of my business . But to say the truth , whatever he's wrote really touched me . And how wonderful is that ? To propose your love to someone you truely love . But what about me ? I'm still wandering in the lost woods , thinking of how am i suppose to let that guy really know how i feels ? Sometimes , i really feel that i'm truely feeling very helpless . I don't really know how to open my damn mouth and just say the simple & meaningfull 3 words . I Love You ~ Maybe it's that i'm only 17 and my thinking's kinda childish . And probably i'm still playing & fooling around with relationships . And probably from my past experience , i've learnt not to fall into relationships so deep & easily . And probably that's why i'm not taking everything seriously . Sighs .

I fugging hate myself for being like this . _|_

How i wish , i could have plucked out that kind of courage and look in your mesmerizing eyes and say ; I Love You .

♥ You're who I really miss.
Monday, May 26, 2008 @ 8:52 PM
你离开我的第 465 天 , 我依然觉得你是我的唯一

你的脸 , 对我来说已经非常模糊了 . 几乎都要忘记你的可爱的笑容 . 但是 , 你的温柔会是永远地留在我心里的 . 当我第一次看到你 , 我已深深地爱上你 . 好几回 , 在梦里也会笑 . 多么希望 , 你永远只属于我一个 . 也许我只能在梦里看到你 , 我也很开兴 . 只希望 , 没有我的日子 , 你也会开兴 , 也会幸福 . 我爱你爱得好累了 , 非常累了 . 但是 , 我又不能让自己不爱你 . 也许 , 有一天你会回到我身边 . 但是 , 我也许已经离你而去了 . 请你不要想我 , 不要挂念我 . 只要偶尔记得有我这个人 , 我就满足了 . 或许我以前好傻 , 爱你爱得那么深 . 但是 , 我知道 . 全世界只有你最值得得到我的爱 . 也许我以后会爱上别人 , 你将会是我最爱的人 . 是我曾经那么爱过的男人 . 我是想说 , 我真得非常非常想你 , 非常非常爱你 .

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Guys , let me introduce you to my Dearest & Chioest Boss . ( :

He ain't big , he's my BOSS . ( :

你就是我的爱 ; 我的永远 ; 我的未来 ; 爱你是我的决定

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

♥ You're who I really miss.
Sunday, May 25, 2008 @ 5:30 PM
你离开我的第 464 天 ; 我依然还是那么的想着你

今天 , 我还是那么的想你 . 我们曾经拥有过的一切 , 现在也只是在你和我的心里的一段回忆 . 一段我永远也放不下的回忆 . 也许有一天 , 你会随着年龄在我的脑海里消失 . 但我也很倾心你曾经那么爱我 , 那么关心我 , 那么疼我 . 只要我们拥有过那一段美好的回忆 , 不管将来你爱的是别人 , 我也会发自内心祝福你们 . 虽然我爱你爱得好辛苦 , 但是在爱着你的每一份每一秒 , 我都觉得好开兴好开兴 . 也许是我傻 , 是我笨 . 但爱你并不傻 , 并不笨 . 或许我们是两个不同世界的人 , 但是我的爱能够穿越时间 . 可能有一天 , 我觉得累了 . 我也许会放弃你 , 永远离你而去 . 但是 , 我好想说 , " 我爱你 , 非常非常的爱你 . "

我还是依然深深地爱着你 ♥

我真的好累了 ; 非常非常的累 ; 借我你的肩膀好吗 ?

晶晶 ♥ 聪聪

♥ You're who I really miss.
Saturday, May 24, 2008 @ 11:15 PM
你离开我的第 463 天 ; 我依然还是那么爱你

过了那么久 , 我还是那么的想念你 . 而且 , 每天的想念 . 是越来越深 , 令我无法自拔 . 有时 , 我告诉自己 , 醒醒吧 . 你是不会再回到我身边的 . 但是只要一想到我们曾经拥有过的一切 , 我就觉得其实爱上你不是一个错 . 而是我的使命 . 也许我们再也不能够像以前那么相爱 , 只要我们曾经有过那一段我就已经足够了 . 也许你会觉得我对你的爱会淡淡的不见 , 但是只要有我在的一天 , 你就会永远的被我爱着 . 也许会有那么一天 , 我永远的离开你 , 我也要你记得 . 曾经有一个女孩那么爱你 . 可能有一天 , 我会不再爱你了 . 那天就是海苦干了 , 天被云淹没了 . 别人可能觉得我好笨 , 觉得我好傻 . 但是 , 永远爱着你是我愿意做的事 . 没有了你 , 就好像失去一样非常重要的东西 . 我只希望有一天 , 你会回过头对我说一声 " 我想你 " . 也许有一天 , 我会永远离你而去 .

我还是依然深深地爱着你 ♥

To Girlfriend : Thanks for everything you've done . I'm really happy that I've met you . & I'm really very happy to have you as my best Girlfriend . I just wanna say , " Girlfriend , I can never ask anything more than you . You'll be my one and only Girlfriend I wanna have in my life . You'll never ever be replaced by any Tom , Dick & Harry . I love you . "

To Cher Lovelove : Love , thanks for being there for me whenever I need someone to talk to . And I really love the way you encourage me . It makes me wanting to live my life to the fullest for everyone I love & everyone who love me . And thanks for being with me at my most saddest period of my life . I'll never ever let you go .

To Poyo Lovelove : Love , although we're not very close , I still love you lots . You cared so much about me & I'm really very happy that you cared . & we sure have so many happy moments together . And love , I wanna say , " Thanks for all the encouragement you've given to me . I appreciate it a lot . & trust me , we'll be LOVEs for life . ( : "

To Brandon : Brand , thanks for everything you've done over that matter . I could never know how can i repay you . You're so good to me , and I'm really grateful for that . I can only say , " I'm really very happy having you as my friend . ( : "

这是爱 , 永远的爱 . 好像开口让你知道 ; 我又多爱你 . ) :

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

♥ You're who I really miss.
Friday, May 23, 2008 @ 8:07 PM
你离开我的第 462 天 ; 我依然觉得非常空

I think , i feel like blogging in chinese . ._.

也许, 失去了才会懂得珍惜 . 今天是颜聪离开我的第 462 天 . 也许 , 他心里已经没有了我 . 也许 , 他早已忘了我 . 但是, 我们在一起的 67 天 , 是我这一生最快乐的一段日子 . 他总是有能力逗我笑 , 令我觉得好幸福好幸福 . 只要看到他的笑 , 什么烦恼都没有了 . 虽然现在 , 他心里想着的是另一个女孩 , 我也一样开兴 . 毕竟,不在乎天长地久 , 只在乎曾经拥有 . 只要我知道 , 他曾经那么的爱过我 , 那么的关心我 , 那么的疼我 , 我就开兴了 . 只要有这一切 , 就已经足够了 . 现在 , 我依然活在自己的梦里 , 梦里还是有你 . 只要你开兴 , 我什么都愿意 .

我还是依然深深地爱着你 ♥

我想念你的吻 ; 我想念你的笑 ; 我想念你的爱

♥ You're who I really miss.
Thursday, May 22, 2008 @ 5:45 PM

Okays , today shall be marked as True-Colours Day . Because i finally saw the true colours of some people . And to say the truth , i don't really know what they're thinking of . But , it's not that important anymore . It doesn't concern me anymore . Cos from today & this moment onwards , they've got nothing to do with me anymore . If it means that if we're befriending this girl , we'll invite a lot of trouble for ourselves , i rather that we'll stay as the closest stragers . & it'll be okay to say hi to each another occationally . but , we'll never be as close as ever anymore . And today's incident , i would rather not talk about it anymore . What you people wanna do and who you wanna be with , it'll have no business with me anymore . I'm just so tired , i'm really tired le . Why can't you people put yourself in my shoes and think how would i feel ? It's like , i'm dealing with stress which a normal 30 year old adults will be dealing . You think i can handle all those stress ? I tell you , i can't . I really can't & i'm really very tired already . But what for i continue living ? It's for the sake of my parents & those who loves me . I don't wanna them to lose hope in me . Sighs . Then if one day , i really can't handle everything anymore . I guess , that'll be the last time you'll be seeing me . I guess so .

Fong's loved like zomfgbbqrolf . ( :

LaPi says he wanna be famous in my blog . ._. Stupid siol ~

Maybe , it was a mistake right from the start . Right from the moment i knew you . Right from the moment i hug you . Right from the moment i kiss you .

& right from the moment i love you .

♥ You're who I really miss.
Sunday, May 18, 2008 @ 8:58 AM
Goodbye -

I've thought for it for a v long time . I think it's time to end everything . Baby , thanks for everything you've done for me . I really appreciate it . But , i think , we better end it sooner to not make each another more tong ku . I don't wanna to decieve myself anymore , that i really don't love you like the way you love me . I can't . I'm sorry that i really have to leave you . But i just wanna let you know . The one month plus i'm with you , thanks for everything you've done for me . & once you've read this post , i know that you'll try to call me . But , please . If you really love me from your bottom of your heart , please leave me alone . & forget me . I'm no worth every piece of your love . So , don't bother to contact me if you really love me .

♥ You're who I really miss.
@ 1:47 AM
It's always better to stay in dreams rather then reality .

FUYOH . I promise to have a very long post today . :X I've got 2 days of fruitful events to update . xD Conclusion : I'm very fucking happy . ^ ^

16th May 2008 .
Today , for your information , i went to school in a very happy mood . :X Cos it's my birthday tomorrow ! ^ ^ Then we're having steamboat in school today . :X We're probably the first group of people who does that . ._. It's so happening and fun . Well , we had a lot of food siol . :X And MINI joined in . SITHI joined in to play also . :X ADELINE's damn high . xD And a lot of people are staring at us siol . :X But , attracting attention's fun . :X It's my speciality too . xD Well , feast your eyes on all th photos .

Overall for 16th May , Adeline looks really very very happy . :X

17th May 2008 .
Firstly , Happy Birthday to me ! :X Hees . ^ ^ I really love this day . ._. Cos i'm so fucking loved by everyone . Except AHGR . I told him to give me a birthday hug & kiss . :X And he ran away siol . T T Sad la . This dog . :X I really love the present POYO LOVE & CHER LOVE buy de present . ._. Nice nice . <3 LOVES FOREVER . Then met BABY . Then we went to have our lunch at Long John . ._. I wanna keep this update short . Cos i'm really too tired to type le . =='' Photos now . :X


ps : cher love & me saw our most hated guy today . ._.

爱 is always making my Cry .

♥ You're who I really miss.
Friday, May 09, 2008 @ 11:43 AM
Without Love , I Guess I'll Still Be Wondering In The Lost Woods .

Baby , Happy First Month Anniversary . <3 I Love You .

Baby , I Love You . & I'll Never Let You Go .

♥ You're who I really miss.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008 @ 7:53 PM
Absence makes the HEART fonder .

Well , i know i blog irregularly . ._. Promise , i'll make an effort to blog everyday if i can . Today , was overall a bad day . I was basically fed-up about something , which me myself don't even know what it is . And i found out , living life the happy way could be so difficult . Sighs , this update could be an EMO one . But i guess , it'll be a short one . But if i gets out of hand and types too much , bear with me . ( : Whatmore i'm feeling so depressed today . ^ ^ Last few days , i had been reading my Old Blog's Archive . I then realise , what big changes i've made . And i can't help thinking about the past . & i fucking realises , i've made so much mistakes in the past that i've live to regret it . If i was given a second chance , probably i won't meet my BABY . So , it was a blessing in disguise ba ? But i just can't help regretting for what i've done in the past . If time were to turn back , probably it won't be the same anymore . As i'm blogging this post , i'm actually tearing and i don't know why . I just can't seem why i have to make those stupid mistakes . And probably , i'm changing back to who i used to be . Sighs .

Baby , just a simple sentence . I just wanna say , I Love You .

Sighs .

♥ You're who I really miss.
Monday, May 05, 2008 @ 9:56 PM
Probably , I'm not Perfect as I seems to be . Evtually , no one's perfect .

Today uh ! Very very very HIGH ! xD Maybe cos of my new haircut ! HAHAHA . A lot of people say that i look like JAPANESE ~ Hees . :X Today GIRLFRIEND says that i'm very KAWAII . >< Well ~ Today I arrived early at the interchange . :X Cos i'm so excited about my new hair ! xD Then while on the MRT , Girlfriend kept on saying that i look so cute with my NERDY specs & new HAIRSTYLE . Anyway , i'm feeling so HIGH today . Hees . :X Then during lessons , a group of us were playing with my specs . & Ade was damn funny . She made stupid pose while wearing the specs . Then Ade & Sherman was dancing together . SO SO SO FUNNY LUR ! & i took a lot of idiotic photos of myself today . :X Later shall upload the pics & videos . :X Then today after school , went to Bugis with GIRLFRIEND , JANICIA & YINGYING . Went to Alice 88Th to pei GIRLFRIEND buy the bunny bag . While on the way , YINGYING treat us to ice cream . :X Then we ate it while walking to AUNTIE ALICE 's shop . :X Then she was waiting for us the shop siol . Like expecting us to be there . xD She say she damn BORING siol . Then we faster finish our ice cream and went inside the shop to pei her . xD Then she told me , got Japanese SchoolGirl de uniform of my size . :X So , i dared myself & i tried on the dress . So damn weird siol ! AUNTIE ALICE added cats' ears & a checkers' bag . And she let GIRLFRIEND & JANICIA to take my photo . ._. They say i look cute . =='' But i look so damn fat lur . xD Then we had a lot of fun in her shop . :X And i'm getting that uniform for my birthday . :X Kinda excited . Then GIRLFRIEND , SOLOMON & me going for road fest on 25th May . >< EXCITED EXCITED EXCITED ! HEHEHE ! Well , headed home and i now , sitting on my dearest chair blogging . :X Overall , today's the most memorable day !


Craving for the video ? :X HERE IT IS !

Baby . No matter what happens in the future , I'll promise you that our future will be full of each another in our hearts . Whatever matters to me , is you . And promise me baby , don't ever ever leave me alone in this freaking world . And i'll promise not to leave you too . I love you Baby .

♥ You're who I really miss.
♥ Now Playing.

♥ Th-Lady.

Smile (:

God brought me to Earth on 170591. Lovely parents gave me the name, KaiJing. And I'm gonna use this lovely name for the rest of my life. Red & green's the love. You may like to play Maple or other lame games, I don't care. I love to play Audi and that's what I care. And I'm currently suffering at Bedok ITE. I may be STM at times, but I don't need you to teach me how to differenciate a GOOD person and a bad one. Treat me nice and I bet you'll never get nothing less than that. Talk behind my back and get insulted if I scolded you back? Put your BIG name in my freaking annoying tagboard if you dare. (: I live a life I love to live. Don't bother judging me cos' your childish words ain't gonna get the best out of me. I love the way I am and I don't feel the need to change anything for anyone. Feel free to fuck off and die if you think I'm ridiculous. (: And remember, clean away your dirty footprints of whatever fuck you've left in my blog. ^^v

And lastly, everyone who loves me, Fuck The World. Cos' I love you as much as you loved me.

♥ Bitch-es.

Say Say Say You Love Me ~

♥ I crave.
The chance to say,

I Love You.